Specialty Friday 09/29/23
Sweepstakes Judge: Lauren Simermeyer
Best in Puppy Sweeps: ALPHA OMEGA REDBUD AN OFFER YOU CAN’T REFUSE. DN74455301. 2022-12-07. By Alpha-Omega Midnight Wolf – Oak Leaf Redbud Coffee Tea Or Me. Bred by: Leonardo Saldana/Jane Crenshaw. Owners: Kim Shira/Leo Eickhoff.
Best of Opposite in Puppy Sweeps: MADEGANN’S YELLING AT CLOUDS. DN73318801. 2022-08-12. By GCHS CH Madhatter’s Achilles’ Heel BCAT – GCHB CH Madegann’s Espresso Luv DCAT TKN. Bred by: Jessica Melsness. Owners: Jessica Melsness.
Best in Veteran Sweeps: GCHG CH PAWCIFIC I WALK WITH THE KING HSADS NAP CAA BCAT ACT2 CGC TKI.DN43715501. 2015-06-05. By CH Badagri Breakdance – GCHB CH Ebonwald’s Be On The Lookout RN CGCA TKN. Bred by: Emily Barnhart. Owners: Emily Fish & Marian Mizelle.
Best of Opposite in Veteran Sweeps: GCH CH AURIGAN TIMEPIECE’S SWEET CAROLINE FDC BCAT RATN CGCA CGCU TKI ATT VHMA VSWB. DN37374203. 2013-05-28. By CH Lynn Farm’s What’s Not To Love HT – CH Aurigan Bazinga. Bred by: Mrs. Dayl A Phillip/Lauren Phillip. Owners: Mary Joyce/Mark Long/Charlene Anderson.
Regular Classes: Judge Ingrid Prytz Ohm
Best of Breed: GCHP CH GERAN’S BIG MONEY OF GLASSHOUSE BCAT CGC. DN61853101. 2020-02-20. By GCHP CH Kosmar Striking Back Of Bridgelady CA CGCA – CH Glasshouse Turn The Page. Bred by: Lori A Frost/M’kayla Stahr. Owners: Mkayla Stahr & Gerald Roach.
Best of Winners/WD/Best BBE: TORETH-INDIUM BURNING DOWN THE HOUSE. DN71958701. 2022-05-20. By GCHB CH Bossis Kimik’s Hot Daam At Showntail RA PT FDC AXP AJP OFP BCAT RATS CGCA TKN – GCH CH Toreth-Indium Burnt Caramel HT. Bred by: Leo Washburn/Mark Thorson. Owners: Le’o Washburn & Mark Thorson.
Best of Opposite Sex: GCH CH GRANDIOSE OBSIDIAN LOTUS. DN68716001. 2021-04-27. By GCHB CH Allegro Grandiose Frankly My Dear RA PT FDC CA DCAT RATN CGCA TKN – Grandiose Fools Rush In At Ataraxis. Bred by: Jeri Bon/Mrs. Jessica Viera. Owners: Lacey Gray/Jessica Viera/Jeri Bon.
Select Dog/BOBOH/Best Vet: GCHG CH PAWCIFIC I WALK WITH THE KING HSADS NAP CAA BCAT ACT2 CGC TKI. DN43715501. 2015-06-05. By CH Badagri Breakdance – GCHB CH Ebonwald’s Be On The Lookout RN CGCA TKN. Bred by: Emily Barnhart. Owners: Emily Fish & Marian Mizelle.
Select Bitch: CH COEDWIG’S LADY IN RED. DN59415602. 2019-09-13. By GCHB CH Coedwig’s Black Diamond PT CGC TKN – Dragonfly’s Princess Zoey Of Wales. Bred by: Steven Harwood. Owners: Kim Shira/Leo Eickhoff.
Awards of Merit
GCH CH SUPERNATURAL’S JUST MY IMAGINATION FDC ATT. DN65064701. 2020-12-30. By CH Kino’s Quarry Tiger Eye At Redbud – GCHS CH Bluefox Elyan Mine Not Yours. Bred by: C F Camin. Owners: C F Camin And Denise Waiting.
GCH CH ALLEGRO NO SLEEP TIL BROOKLYN FCAT. DN61799501. 2020-03-06. By GCHB CH Allegro Grandiose Frankly My Dear RA PT FDC CA DCAT RATN CGCA TKN – Grandiose Fools Rush In At Ataraxis. Bred by: Jeri Bon/Mrs. Jessica Viera. Agent: Darcie Cantor. Owners: Jeri Bon/Jessica Viera.
Best Puppy: COEDWIG’S LOVE LETTERS. DN74701601. 2023-02-16. By Coedwig’s Double Feature CGCA TKI – CH Coedwig’s Lady In Red. Bred by: Kim Shira/Leo Eickhoff. Owners: Kim Shira/Leo Eickhoff.
RWD: ALPHA OMEGA REDBUD AN OFFER YOU CAN’T REFUSE. DN74455301. 2022-12-07. By Alpha-Omega Midnight Wolf – Oak Leaf Redbud Coffee Tea Or Me. Bred by: Leonardo Saldana/Jane Crenshaw. Owners: Kim Shira/Leo Eickhoff.
WB: AURIGAN MAKES YOUR EYES POP. DN71488001. 2022-04-04. By GCH CH Supernatural The Road Ahead – CH Aurigan Fiona Richy RN CGCA CGCU. Bred by: Dayl Phillip. Owners: Marlene Noteboom.
RWB: MADEGANN’S YELLING AT CLOUDS. DN73318801. 2022-08-12. By GCHS CH Madhatter’s Achilles’ Heel BCAT – GCHB CH Madegann’s Espresso Luv DCAT TKN. Bred by: Jessica Melsness. Owners: Jessica Melsness.
Best 4-6 Beginner Puppy AURIGAN ETERNAL EVERGREEN. DN75947305. 2023-05-23. By GCH CH Aurigan Simayak’s Mask Of Zorro – CH Aurigan Skyfall CGC. Bred by: Dayl A Phillip. Owners: Marlene Noteboom
Junior Showmanship: Judge Jessica Viera
Novice Intermediate Class ·
1 Sofia Schutt. 79187899003
GCHS CH TORETH-INDIUM THE ILLUSIONIST. DN60790401. 2020-01-30. By GCHG CH Toreth’s Tungsten Archer PT FDC CGC – CH Toreth Make It Better At Indium. Bred by: Leo Washburn/mark Thorson. Owners: Anthony Keyfel/adele Keyfel
Open Intermediate Class ·
3 Andrew Fish. 12459457001
GCH CH FOGGY BOTTOM’S I WILL NEVER LOVE AGAIN RN BCAT SWN SCA SIA SHDN CGC TKN. DN57498706. 2019-02-17. By GCHS CH Wyncrest Clear Creek Once Upon A Dream RN CA BCAT CGCA – CH Foggy Bottom’s Resting On My Laurels. Bred by: Cindy Mcdonald/alec Munier. Owners: Mandy Katasse/ Cindy Mcdonald/ And Emily Barnhart
1/BJH Paige Rian Kellis. 30930084002
GCHG CH PAWCIFIC I WALK WITH THE KING HSADS NAP CAA BCAT ACT2 CGC TKI. DN43715501. 2015-06-05. By CH Badagri Breakdance – GCHB CH Ebonwald’s Be On The Lookout RN CGCA TKN. Bred by: Emily Barnhart. Owners: Emily Fish & Marian Mizelle
2 Makynlee Hudson. 47599157002
GCHB CH TIMEPIECE’S I AM I SAID FDC DCAT CGCA CGCU TKN ATT VSWB. DN44160104. 2015-11-04. By GCH CH Merrythought The Keeping Quilt – GCH CH Aurigan Timepiece’s Sweet Caroline FDC BCAT RATN CGCA CGCU TKI ATT VHMA VSWB. Bred by: Charlene Anderson. Owners: Charlene Anderson/ Gary Anderson/ Mary Joyce
Open Senior Class ·
1/RBJH Lorelei Binnendyk-payne. 66667999003
GCH CH WOODROSE DARK MAGIC BCAT TKN ATT VHMA. DN47645601. 2016-11-01. By CH Markris Midnight Magician – Woodrose Fgbtm Devil In A Blue Dress. Bred by: Karen Lyons. Owners: Marissa Henry/karen Lyons
Judge: Rhonda Silveira
WALLA WALLA KENNEL CLUB – Supported Entry – 9/29/23
Judge: Ms. Joyce A Vanek
BOB/G4 GCHP CH GERAN’S BIG MONEY OF GLASSHOUSE BCAT CGC. DN61853101. 2020-02-20. By GCHP CH Kosmar Striking Back Of Bridgelady CA CGCA – CH Glasshouse Turn The Page. Bred by: Lori A Frost/M’kayla Stahr. Owners: Mkayla Stahr & Gerald Roach.
BOW/WD ALPHA OMEGA REDBUD AN OFFER YOU CAN’T REFUSE. DN74455301. 2022-12-07. By Alpha-Omega Midnight Wolf – Oak Leaf Redbud Coffee Tea Or Me. Bred by: Leonardo Saldana/Jane Crenshaw. Owners: Kim Shira/Leo Eickhoff.
BOS GCHS CH GLASSHOUSE CAN’T FIGHT THIS FEELING AT NSR CGC. DN61853103. 2020-02-20. By GCHP CH Kosmar Striking Back Of Bridgelady CA CGCA – CH Glasshouse Turn The Page. Bred by: Lori A Frost/M’kayla Stahr. Owners: Maren Cornish/Joe Cornish/Victoria Cornish/Lori Frost.
BOBOH CH WELLSHIRE DIAMOND GIRL. DN71758901. 2022-04-25. By CH Kino’s Quarry Tiger Eye At Redbud – GCHB CH Wellshire Dancing Queen. Bred by: Paula B Weller. Owners: Paula B Weller.
SEL DOG GCH CH ALLEGRO NO SLEEP TIL BROOKLYN FCAT. DN61799501. 2020-03-06. By GCHB CH Allegro Grandiose Frankly My Dear RA PT FDC CA DCAT RATN CGCA TKN – Grandiose Fools Rush In At Ataraxis. Bred by: Jeri Bon/Mrs. Jessica Viera. Agent: Darcie Cantor. Owners: Jeri Bon/Jessica Viera.
SEL BITCH GCH CH GRANDIOSE OBSIDIAN LOTUS. DN68716001. 2021-04-27. By GCHB CH Allegro Grandiose Frankly My Dear RA PT FDC CA DCAT RATN CGCA TKN – Grandiose Fools Rush In At Ataraxis. Bred by: Jeri Bon/Mrs. Jessica Viera. Owners: Lacey Gray/Jessica Viera/Jeri Bon.
RWD SANDDIGGER PD OH D D D D DEAR RN FDC BCAT CGCA CGCU TKI FITB. DN60569801. 2019-09-01. By GCHS CH Puddleduck Sd There’s A Kind Of Hush RN – Sanddigger Pd Indecent Proposal To Sugarnspice. Bred by: Ms. Mara Flood/Rebecca Flood/Joy S Quallenberg/Pixie Laurer. Owners: Alexis Jacobson & Scott Jacobson.
WB ALLEGRO GRANDIOSE I DO DECLARE. DN72555601. 2022-06-16. By CH Telltail In The Midnight Hour – Grandiose Fools Rush In At Ataraxis. Bred by: Jeri Bon/Mrs. Jessica Viera. Owners: Jeri Bon/Jessica Viera.
RWB MADEGANN’S YELLING AT CLOUDS. DN73318801. 2022-08-12. By GCHS CH Madhatter’s Achilles’ Heel BCAT – GCHB CH Madegann’s Espresso Luv DCAT TKN. Bred by: Jessica Melsness. Owners: Jessica Melsness.
RICHLAND KENNEL CLUB – Supported Entry – 9/30/23
Judge: Marilyn Van Vleit
BOB/G1/BIS GCHP CH GERAN’S BIG MONEY OF GLASSHOUSE BCAT CGC. DN61853101. 2020-02-20. By GCHP CH Kosmar Striking Back Of Bridgelady CA CGCA – CH Glasshouse Turn The Page. Bred by: Lori A Frost/M’kayla Stahr. Owners: Mkayla Stahr & Gerald Roach.
BOW/BOS/BOBOH COEDWIG’S ROCKIN’ REBA FDC CGCA TKI ATT. DN66194802. 2021-03-24. By CH Coedwig’s Blue Stone On The Beach THDN CGC – CH Coedwig’s Fire Opal. Bred by: Kim Shira/Leo Eickhoff. Owners: Dori Johnson And James Johnson.
SELECT DOG GCH CH SUPERNATURAL’S JUST MY IMAGINATION FDC ATT. DN65064701. 2020-12-30. By CH Kino’s Quarry Tiger Eye At Redbud – GCHS CH Bluefox Elyan Mine Not Yours. Bred by: C F Camin. Owners: C F Camin And Denise Waiting.
SELECT BITCH GCH CH GRANDIOSE OBSIDIAN LOTUS. DN68716001. 2021-04-27. By GCHB CH Allegro Grandiose Frankly My Dear RA PT FDC CA DCAT RATN CGCA TKN – Grandiose Fools Rush In At Ataraxis. Bred by: Jeri Bon/Mrs. Jessica Viera. Owners: Lacey Gray/Jessica Viera/Jeri Bon.
WD MARIEL SEAMUS MOSSBAWN SUNLIGHT AT PAWCIFIC. DN67413403. 2021-04-25. By GCHG CH Pawcific I Walk With The King HSAds NAP CAA BCAT ACT2 CGC TKI – CH Mariels Sprig Of Parsley. Bred by: Emily Barnhart/Marian R Mizelle. Owners: Brooke Ann Krawetz/Emily Barnhart.
RWD SANDDIGGER PD OH D D D D DEAR RN FDC BCAT CGCA CGCU TKI FITB. DN60569801. 2019-09-01. By GCHS CH Puddleduck Sd There’s A Kind Of Hush RN – Sanddigger Pd Indecent Proposal To Sugarnspice. Bred by: Ms. Mara Flood/Rebecca Flood/Joy S Quallenberg/Pixie Laurer. Owners: Alexis Jacobson & Scott Jacobson.
RWB ALLEGRO GRANDIOSE I DO DECLARE. DN72555601. 2022-06-16. By CH Telltail In The Midnight Hour – Grandiose Fools Rush In At Ataraxis. Bred by: Jeri Bon/Mrs. Jessica Viera. Owners: Jeri Bon/Jessica Viera.
RICHLAND KENNEL CLUB – Supported Entry – 10/1/23
Judge: Mrs. Pamela B Peat
BOB GCHS CH GLASSHOUSE CAN’T FIGHT THIS FEELING AT NSR CGC. DN61853103. 2020-02-20. By GCHP CH Kosmar Striking Back Of Bridgelady CA CGCA – CH Glasshouse Turn The Page. Bred by: Lori A Frost/M’kayla Stahr. Owners: Maren Cornish/Joe Cornish/Victoria Cornish/Lori Frost.
BOW/WB/BOBOH ALLEGRO GRANDIOSE I DO DECLARE. DN72555601. 2022-06-16. By CH Telltail In The Midnight Hour – Grandiose Fools Rush In At Ataraxis. Bred by: Jeri Bon/Mrs. Jessica Viera. Owners: Jeri Bon/Jessica Viera.
BOS GCHP CH GERAN’S BIG MONEY OF GLASSHOUSE BCAT CGC. DN61853101. 2020-02-20. By GCHP CH Kosmar Striking Back Of Bridgelady CA CGCA – CH Glasshouse Turn The Page. Bred by: Lori A Frost/M’kayla Stahr. Owners: Mkayla Stahr & Gerald Roach.
SELECT DOG GCH CH SUPERNATURAL’S JUST MY IMAGINATION FDC ATT. DN65064701. 2020-12-30. By CH Kino’s Quarry Tiger Eye At Redbud – GCHS CH Bluefox Elyan Mine Not Yours. Bred by: C F Camin. Owners: C F Camin And Denise Waiting.
SELECT BITCH CH COEDWIG’S LADY IN RED. DN59415602. 2019-09-13. By GCHB CH Coedwig’s Black Diamond PT CGC TKN – Dragonfly’s Princess Zoey Of Wales. Bred by: Steven Harwood. Owners: Kim Shira/Leo Eickoff.
WD ALPHA OMEGA REDBUD AN OFFER YOU CAN’T REFUSE. DN74455301. 2022-12-07. By Alpha-Omega Midnight Wolf – Oak Leaf Redbud Coffee Tea Or Me. Bred by: Leonardo Saldana/Jane Crenshaw. Owners: Kim Shira/Leo Eickhoff.
RWD MARIEL SEAMUS MOSSBAWN SUNLIGHT AT PAWCIFIC. DN67413403. 2021-04-25. By GCHG CH Pawcific I Walk With The King HSAds NAP CAA BCAT ACT2 CGC TKI – CH Mariels Sprig Of Parsley. Bred by: Emily Barnhart/Marian R Mizelle. Owners: Brooke Ann Krawetz/Emily Barnhart.
RWB EBONWALD’S WATCH ME WHIP. DN72112402. 2022-06-10. By CH Ebonwald’s Upper Hand – Ebonwalds Quick Witted. Bred by: Garrett Ramsay. Owners: Denise Waiting.