September 30: NWCF Regional Specialty Richland, WA
Cardigan Welsh Corgi Club of America Inc
JUDGE: Vivian Moran
Puppy Dogs 9 Mos & Under 12 Mos .
1STORM RIDGE WHISTLE WHILE YOU WORK. DN289308/02. 10/07/2010. BREEDER: Amanda Katasse Jo Campbell Keith Campbell. By Wolfrun Brave new world-Ch C-myste Baledwr Let Freedom Ring. OWNER: Brittany Juarez.
Junior Dogs 12 Mos & Under 18 mos .
1/BSPDUNES NOT ALL TREASURE IS SILVER AND GOLD. DN276178/01. 04/12/2010. BREEDER: Yolanda Loveland. By CH Aurigan Dunes National Treasure-Kennebec Dunes Limited Edition. OWNER: Yolanda and Jesse Loveland. AGENT: Angelia Hall.
3GLASSHOUSE TYLWYTH’S MATINEE IDOL. DN287083/08. 08/28/2010. BREEDER: Lori Frost & Kim Shira. By Ch Coedwig’s Carbon Blue-Yardican Ifly.OWNER: Alta Hertz & Lori Frost & Jason Hertz.
2COEDWIG’S SILVERSCREEN. DN287083/01. 08/28/2010. BREEDER: Kim Shira & Lori Frost. By Ch Coedwig’s Carbon Blue-Yardican Ifly. OWNER: Leo Eickhoff & Kim Shira & Louise Sargent.
Puppy Bitches 6 Mos & Under 9 Mos .
3CADNOCLUN’S GLAMOUR GIRL. DN310771/01. 01/05/2011. BREEDER: E. Hillebrand M. Gardner. and M. Mcshane. By Cadnoclun’s Fortuitous-Ch. Cadnoclun’s Singular Salutation. OWNER: Denise Waiting and Elizabeth Hillebrand.
DN296963/04. 01/14/2011. BREEDER: Jennifer Roberson. By Ch Telltail Baewyn Jim Dandy-Ch Cheysuli’s Peekaboo Blue. OWNER: Rebecca Lane.
DN303487/04. 03/30/2011. BREEDER: Kim Keifer/Mark Thorson/Kim Shira/Jason&Alta Hertz. By Coedwig Samhain Ghost RAE-Samhain Trinity RVR Katie Lorene. OWNER: Wiccan York-Patten & Kim Kiefer.
Puppy Bitches 9 Mos & Under 12 Mos .
3COEDWIG’S BLUE SAPPHIRE. DN293116/01. 11/04/2010. BREEDER: Kim Shira & LA’o Washburn. By CH Coedwig’s Carbon Blue-Coedwig’s Ling Ling.OWNER: Kim Shira & Leo Eickhoff.
DN296641/02. 10/29/2010. BREEDER: Ms Ferris Beashau & Emily Banaszak. By Ch Shadowalk Trademark-Ch Beaszak’s Running with Scissors. OWNER: Terry DeVine.
4GLASSHOUSE GOOD INTENTIONS. DN297001/02. 12/26/2010. BREEDER: Lori Frost. By Ch Coedwig’s Malachite RN RSAs-Ch Cardiridge GH Blond Moments HT. OWNER: Rebecca Lane.
DN295896/06. 10/20/2010. BREEDER: Penni Adrian Carolyn Cannon & J & M Roundtree. By CH C-Myste Baledwr Pursuit of Happiness HSAdsc-C-Myste Baledwr Scents-Ability. OWNER: DeAnn Nelson Penni Adrian Carolyn Cannon.
Junior Bitches 12 Mos & Under 18 mos .
3TAILBRITE TRIQUETRA. DN289259/01. 09/12/2010. BREEDER: Terry Devine. By Bdragons Royal Diamond Flush-Ch Tailbrite Tetilla Sunrise. OWNER: Jody Buktenica and Terry Devine.
DN287083/03. 08/28/2010. BREEDER: Lori Frost & Kim Shira. By Ch Coedwig’s Carbon Blue-Yardican IFly. OWNER: Samantha Nye.
4TOSHAY’S PERFECT MARTINI. DN285790/04. 06/26/2010. BREEDER: Denise Waiting. By Ch Coedwig’s Malachite RN HSAS-Ch Toshay’s Firefly.OWNER: Marci Jeffreys & Denise Waiting & Edward Day.
DN280781/01. 05/31/2010. BREEDER: Carolyn Cannon Amanda Katasse Megan Hanselman. By Ch Baledwr Cadwaladr-Ch C-Myste Baledwr Kumalie. OWNER: Carolyn Cannon Amanda Katasse Megan Hanselman.
1/OSPTAILBRITE TRISKELE. DN289259/02. 09/12/2010. BREEDER: Terry DeVine. By Bdragons Royal diamond Flush-Ch Tailbrite Tetilla Sunrise. OWNER: Terry DeVine.
BDRAGONS BLACKHILLS NEYTIRI. DN267867/07. 08/18/2010. BREEDER: Michael J Sweeney & Christine Sweeney. By Bdragons Royal Diamond Flush-Blackhills Dreamcatcher. OWNER: Ladye Hawke.
Veteran Sweepstakes Dogs 9 Yrs & Older .
1/BSVCH SHADOWALK TRADEMARK. DL865152/01. 01/25/2001. BREEDER: Owners & C Ochs-Cline & Rev P Ormos. By Ch Shadowalk GW Make Way For Morgan-Ch Shadowalk Vashon Jettsetter. OWNER: Susan & D A Lassila.
Veteran Sweepstakes Bitches 7 Yrs & Under 9 Yrs .
3CH TAILBRITE TETILLA SUNRISE. DN085360/01. 09/14/2004. BREEDER: Terry DeVine & Dayl Phillip. By Ch Phi-Vestavia Koltrain-Ch Aurigan Ms Midnite Tailbrite. OWNER: Terry DeVine.
ACH AFARA DONT GO THERE CDX PT. DN062168/02. 10/11/2003. BREEDER: Paul Chen. By Ch Rhydowen Penny Chip-Afara Zoetrope. OWNER: April L Stanke.
DN047814/03. 09/14/2003. BREEDER: Pat Mann & Neila Gelvin. By Ch Winbucks Max’em CD-Quaints Glistend Sueded Jade. OWNER: Paula & Eric Weller.
1CH KAYSHIRE SW ABIGAIL. DN079978/04. 07/28/2004. BREEDER: Glen & Kay Garity. By Ch Shadowalk Trademark-Ch Shadowalk Yahtzee. OWNER: Glen & Kay Garity.
DN084683/05. 09/09/2004. BREEDER: Louise & Juniper Sargent. By Ch Coedwig’s Carbon Blue-Ch Aurigan Wolfrun Brandywine. OWNER: Leo Eickhoff & Kim Shira.
4SNOWROSE MISS INDEPENDENT RA HT OAP NJP. DN064879/04. 01/11/2004. BREEDER: Chuck Murray & Joyce Murray & Dixie Rae. By Ch Shadowalk Phi-V Alexander-Ch MACH Trilogy Morganlafay at Tintagel PT MX MXJ. OWNER: Cindy Curry & Dixie Rae.
Veteran Sweepstakes Bitches 9 Yrs & Older .
1/OSVCH MARIEL REESE’S ALICE PRINGS. DL838875/05. 06/12/2000. BREEDER: Michelle Navarre & Marian Mizelle. By Ch Reese’s Bold As Brass-Ch Ironhill Valentine To Mariel CD. OWNER: Jennifer Kramer & Amanda Katasse & Carolyn Cannon.
JUDGE: Ms Kay A Reamensnyder
Puppy Dogs 9 Mos & Under 12 Mos .
DN289308/02. 10/07/2010. BREEDER: Amanda Katasse Jo Campbell Keith Campbell. By Wolfrun Brave new world-Ch C-myste Baledwr Let Freedom Ring. OWNER: Brittany Juarez.
Twelve To Eighteen Month Dogs .
DUNES NOT ALL TREASURE IS SILVER AND GOLD. DN276178/01. 04/12/2010. BREEDER: Yolanda Loveland. By CH Aurigan Dunes National Treasure-Kennebec Dunes Limited Edition. OWNER: Yolanda and Jesse Loveland. AGENT: Angelia Hall.
WELLSHIRE MR MAJESTIC. DN280233/02. 04/12/2010. BREEDER: Owners. By Ch C-Myste Baledwr Pursuit Of Happiness CD-Wellshire Lady Luck.OWNER: Paula & Eric Weller.
DN287083/08. 08/28/2010. BREEDER: Lori Frost & Kim Shira. By Ch Coedwig’s Carbon Blue-Yardican Ifly.OWNER: Alta Hertz & Lori Frost & Jason Hertz.
Bred-By-Exhibitor Dogs .
BBYAFARA PAPER ROCK SCISSORS. DN261420/01. 10/03/2009. BREEDER: owner. By Ch Afara Now or Never-Ch Afara Jolene. OWNER: P Chen.
COEDWIG’S SILVERSCREEN. DN287083/01. 08/28/2010. BREEDER: Kim Shira & Lori Frost. By Ch Coedwig’s Carbon Blue-Yardican Ifly. OWNER: Leo Eickhoff & Kim Shira & Louise Sargent.
ALLEGRO SOUTHERN CHARM. DN249947/05. 06/16/2009. BREEDER: Jeri Lamy. By Ch C-Myste Baledwr Free To Disagree-Ch Snowrose Poetic Charm.OWNER: Jeri Lamy.
Open Dogs .
DN282375/05. 03/04/2010. BREEDER: Garrett M. Ramsay. By Ch C-Myste Baledwr Free to Disagree-Ch Merrymoon Ebonwald I’m a Q.T.. OWNER: Garrett M. Ramsay.
DN208601/02. 02/28/2008. BREEDER: Ann & Robert Benjamin. By CH Coedwig’s Carbon Blue-CH Aurigan Miss Sadie Comes Home. OWNER: Ann Benjamin & Rachel Johnston.
DN219134/02. 06/04/2007. BREEDER: Shelley Camm. By Ch Merrymoon Firestorm-Ch Yasashiikuma Scirocco.OWNER: Jennifer Roundtree.
DN236625/06. 12/31/2008. BREEDER: Mark Clarke & Sharon Nottingham. By Ch Somerset-Notts Turbo Trucker-Sisterwoods La Dolce Vita. OWNER: Wiccan York-Patten & Sharon Nottingham.
SHADOWALK VINNY BARKARINO. DN272592/08. 02/08/2010. BREEDER: Susan Carl Lassila&D A Lassila. By Shadowalk Pirate Gold-Shadowalk Exclusive. OWNER: Barbara Weldon/Donald Grondin/DA Lassila.
Puppy Bitches 6 Mos & Under 9 Mos .
CADNOCLUN’S GLAMOUR GIRL. DN310771/01. 01/05/2011. BREEDER: E. Hillebrand M. Gardner. and M. Mcshane. By Cadnoclun’s Fortuitous-Ch. Cadnoclun’s Singular Salutation. OWNER: Denise Waiting and Elizabeth Hillebrand.
DN296963/04. 01/14/2011. BREEDER: Jennifer Roberson. By Ch Telltail Baewyn Jim Dandy-Ch Cheysuli’s Peekaboo Blue. OWNER: Rebecca Lane.
DN303487/04. 03/30/2011. BREEDER: Kim Keifer/Mark Thorson/Kim Shira/Jason&Alta Hertz. By Coedwig Samhain Ghost RAE-Samhain Trinity RVR Katie Lorene. OWNER: Wiccan York-Patten & Kim Kiefer.
Puppy Bitches 9 Mos & Under 12 Mos .
AM/BPYCOEDWIG’S BLUE SAPPHIRE. DN293116/01. 11/04/2010. BREEDER: Kim Shira & LA’o Washburn. By CH Coedwig’s Carbon Blue-Coedwig’s Ling Ling.OWNER: Kim Shira & Leo Eickhoff.
DN296641/02. 10/29/2010. BREEDER: Ms Ferris Beashau & Emily Banaszak. By Ch Shadowalk Trademark-Ch Beaszak’s Running with Scissors. OWNER: Terry DeVine.
GLASSHOUSE GOOD INTENTIONS. DN297001/02. 12/26/2010. BREEDER: Lori Frost. By Ch Coedwig’s Malachite RN RSAs-Ch Cardiridge GH Blond Moments HT. OWNER: Rebecca Lane.
DN295896/06. 10/20/2010. BREEDER: Penni Adrian Carolyn Cannon & J & M Roundtree. By CH C-Myste Baledwr Pursuit of Happiness HSAdsc-C-Myste Baledwr Scents-Ability. OWNER: DeAnn Nelson Penni Adrian Carolyn Cannon.
Twelve To Eighteen Month Bitches .
TAILBRITE TRIQUETRA. DN289259/01. 09/12/2010. BREEDER: Terry Devine. By Bdragons Royal Diamond Flush-Ch Tailbrite Tetilla Sunrise. OWNER: Jody Buktenica and Terry Devine.
DN287083/03. 08/28/2010. BREEDER: Lori Frost & Kim Shira. By Ch Coedwig’s Carbon Blue-Yardican IFly. OWNER: Samantha Nye.
TOSHAY’S PERFECT MARTINI. DN285790/04. 06/26/2010. BREEDER: Denise Waiting. By Ch Coedwig’s Malachite RN HSAS-Ch Toshay’s Firefly.OWNER: Marci Jeffreys & Denise Waiting & Edward Day.
Bred-By-Exhibitor Bitches .
AURIGN MANTLE STRIKES AGAIN. DN274857/01. 02/23/2010. BREEDER: Dayl Phillip Pam Bennett. By Ch Twinan Ultimate Strike-Ch Aurigan Mantle Out of Thin Air. OWNER: Dayl Phillip Pam Bennett.
WELLSHIRE QUEEN OF HEARTS. DN280233/01. 04/12/2010. BREEDER: Paula and Eric Weller. By Ch C-Myste Baledwr Pursuit Of Happiness CD HT-Wellshire Lady Luck. OWNER: Paula B. Weller and Eric Weller.
DN280781/01. 05/31/2010. BREEDER: Carolyn Cannon Amanda Katasse Megan Hanselman. By Ch Baledwr Cadwaladr-Ch C-Myste Baledwr Kumalie. OWNER: Carolyn Cannon Amanda Katasse Megan Hanselman.
TAILBRITE TRISKELE. DN289259/02. 09/12/2010. BREEDER: Terry DeVine. By Bdragons Royal diamond Flush-Ch Tailbrite Tetilla Sunrise. OWNER: Terry DeVine.
EBONWALD’S BE ON THE LOOKOUT. DN282375/03. 03/04/2010. BREEDER: Garrett M. Ramsay. By Ch C-Myste Baledwr Free to Disagree-Ch Merrymoon Ebonwald I’m A Q.T.. OWNER: Garrett M Ramsay.
American-Bred Bitches .
BDRAGONS BLACKHILLS NEYTIRI. DN267867/07. 08/18/2010. BREEDER: Michael J Sweeney & Christine Sweeney. By Bdragons Royal Diamond Flush-Blackhills Dreamcatcher. OWNER: Ladye Hawke.
Open Bitches .
COEDWIG’S SENSATION. DN267798/02. 01/16/2010. BREEDER: Kim Shira & Leo Eickhoff. By Ch Coedwig’s Carbon Blue-Ch Coedwig’s Moonlit Lilac.OWNER: Kim Kiefer & Mark Thorson.
WELLSHIRE LADY LUCK. DN170787/04. 02/04/2007. BREEDER: Owners. By Ch Bookter’s Lucky Call-Ch Sisterwood Suede’s Sunburst. OWNER: Paula & Eric Weller.
COEDWIG’S COOL CHARM. DN257194/04. 09/09/2009. BREEDER: K Shira & L Eickhoff. By Ch Coedwig’s Silversmith-Ch Davenitch Coedwig’s Bellatrix.OWNER: Deb Cress & Kim Shira & Susan Lassila.
COEDWIG’S SPECIAL EFFECTS. DN287083/04. 08/28/2010. BREEDER: Kim Shira & Lori Frost. By CH Coedwig’s Carbon Blue-Yardican Ifly. OWNER: Sandra Poulson & Kim Shira.
Veteran Dogs .
AMCH SHADOWALK TRADEMARK. DL865152/01. 01/25/2001. BREEDER: Owners & C Ochs-Cline & Rev P Ormos. By Ch Shadowalk GW Make Way For Morgan-Ch Shadowalk Vashon Jettsetter. OWNER: Susan & D A Lassila.
Veteran Bitches .
CH TAILBRITE TETILLA SUNRISE. DN085360/01. 09/14/2004. BREEDER: Terry DeVine & Dayl Phillip. By Ch Phi-Vestavia Koltrain-Ch Aurigan Ms Midnite Tailbrite. OWNER: Terry DeVine.
CH AFARA DONT GO THERE CDX PT. DN062168/02. 10/11/2003. BREEDER: Paul Chen. By Ch Rhydowen Penny Chip-Afara Zoetrope. OWNER: April L Stanke.
CH SISTERWOOD SUEDE’S SUNBURST. DN047814/03. 09/14/2003. BREEDER: Pat Mann & Neila Gelvin. By Ch Winbucks Max’em CD-Quaints Glistend Sueded Jade. OWNER: Paula & Eric Weller.
CH KAYSHIRE SW ABIGAIL. DN079978/04. 07/28/2004. BREEDER: Glen & Kay Garity. By Ch Shadowalk Trademark-Ch Shadowalk Yahtzee. OWNER: Glen & Kay Garity.
DL838875/05. 06/12/2000. BREEDER: Michelle Navarre & Marian Mizelle. By Ch Reese’s Bold As Brass-Ch Ironhill Valentine To Mariel CD. OWNER: Jennifer Kramer & Amanda Katasse & Carolyn Cannon.
DN084683/05. 09/09/2004. BREEDER: Louise & Juniper Sargent. By Ch Coedwig’s Carbon Blue-Ch Aurigan Wolfrun Brandywine. OWNER: Leo Eickhoff & Kim Shira.
Best of Breed Competition .
CH PECAN VALLEY GLACIER BLUE ICEFALL PT. 26793801. 11/13/2009. Dog. BREEDER: Betty Ann Seely & Collin Seely. By Ch Pecan Valley Midas Touch-Ch Pecan Valley Cloud Cover. OWNER: Janette Bower.
AMGCH CH MARIEL’S HARVEST MOON. DN171545/01. 01/17/2007. Dog. BREEDER: Marian R Mizelle & Helen B Jones. By Ch Warwick-Larchmont Bodacious-Ch Myrddin Scotch Mist. OWNER: Marian R Mizelle & Jeannette Bruce.
CH COEDWIG’S CRACKER JACK. DN231575/01. 10/27/2008. Dog. BREEDER: Leda Thompson & Kim Shira. By Ch Wolfrun Afara Far And Away-Ch Coedwig’s Moonlit Lilac. OWNER: Mark Thorson & Kim Kiefer.
DN247879/01. 05/01/2009. Dog. BREEDER: Terry DeVine. By Ch Phi-Vestavia Koltrain-Ch Aurigan Ms Midnite Tailbrite. OWNER: Terry DeVine.
CH COEDWIG’S ALCHEMIST. DN267798/01. 01/16/2010. Dog. BREEDER: Kim Shira Leo Eickhoff. By Ch Coedwig’s Carbon Blue-Ch Coedwig’s Moonlit Lilac. OWNER: Nancy Andrist & Kim Shira.
CH SHADOWALK WIZARD ESQUIRE. DN272593/01. 02/11/2010. Dog. BREEDER: Susan Carl Lassila & D A Lassila. By Ch Shadowalk Higgins-Ch Shadowalk In The Nikk Of Time. OWNER: Rita and Dwight Van Horn.
GCH CH SHADOWALK HIGGINS. DN160203/02. 09/23/2006. Dog. BREEDER: Susan & Don Lassila & Glen & Kay Garity. By Shadowalk Xpresso-Ch Shadowalk Yahtzee. OWNER: Rita & Dwight Van Horn.
CH COEDWIG’S OUT OF THE BLUE. DN279526/02. 05/06/2010. Dog. BREEDER: Kim Shira & Leo Eickhoff. By Ch Coedwig’s Carbon Blue-Ch Coedwig’s Eyes Like Rain. OWNER: Lori Nichol.
CH AFARA NOW OR NEVER. DN229918/03. 06/10/2008. Dog. BREEDER: P Chen. By Ch Wolfrun Afara Far and Away-Ch Afara Incandescent. OWNER: A & T Forth and P Chen.
DN233304/03. 10/21/2008. Dog. BREEDER: Carolyn Cannon/Megan Hanselman/Amanda Katasse. By Ch Baledwr Cadwaladr-Ch C-Myste Baledwr Kumalie. OWNER: Trenton Sponsler/Denise Sponsler.
DN209792/05. 03/25/2008. Dog. BREEDER: Kim Shira & Leo Eickhoff. By Ch Visions I have a Dream PT-Ch Frm Moneypenny. OWNER: Jason & Alta Hertz.
DN202117/08. 12/04/2007. Dog. BREEDER: Dayl Phillip & Pam Bennett. By Ch Phi-Vestavia Koltrain-Ch Aurigan Mantle Out Of Thin Air. OWNER: Yolanda Loveland.
DN234701/08. 11/01/2008. Dog. BREEDER: Betty Ann Seeley. By Ch Rememberance Ann D Rooney-Pecan Valley East of Eden. OWNER: Curtis W. Lynn II and Paige Banzhaf.
DN199298/09. 10/17/2007. Dog. BREEDER: Carolyn Cannon & Amanda Katasse & Jennifer Kramer. By Ch Merrymoon Firestorm-Ch Mariel Reese’s Alice Springs. OWNER: Amanda Katasse & Carolyn Cannon.
DN247399/01. 04/21/2009. Bitch. BREEDER: Dayl Phillip & Yolanda Loveland. By Ch Shadowalk Deacon-Ch Pecan Valley Mustang Sally. OWNER: Yolanda Loveland.
DN151674/02. 07/19/2006. Bitch. BREEDER: Patrick Ormos & Cathryn Ochs-Cline. By Ch Phi-Vestavia Neon Black HT-Ch Phi-Vestavia Storm Struck. OWNER: S & D A Lassila Patrick Ormos & Cathryn Ochs-Cline.
DN249947/02. 06/16/2009. Bitch. BREEDER: Jerilyn Lamy. By Ch C-Myste Baledwr Free to Disagree-Ch Snowrose Poetic Charm. OWNER: Keith Campbell & Jo Campbell & Mandy Katasse.
CH WELLSHIRE ABSOLUT MAGIC. DN280233/03. 04/12/2010. Bitch. BREEDER: Paula & Eric Weller. By Ch C-Myste Baledwr Pursuit of Happiness HIAdsc-Wellshire Lady Luck. OWNER: Carolyn A Tompkins and Paula Weller. AGENT: Angelia Hall.
DN274752/04. 11/29/2010. Bitch. BREEDER: Garrett Ramsay. By Ch Wolfrun Brave New World-Ch Bendi Ebonwald Smthing 2 Prove. OWNER: Garrett Ramsay.
CH SNOWROSE POETIC CHARM. DN156904/01. 07/25/2006. Bitch. BREEDER: Dixie Rae & Nancy K Stockslager & Shirley Hobbs. By Ch Shadowalk Phi-V Alexander-Ch Grangefield Aberdovey Lymric. OWNER: Jerilyn Lamy.
Puppy Sweepstakes

Veteran Sweepstakes

Best of Breed

Click on any picture to view larger image or enter the slideshow.
Slideshow: scroll down to bottom of the picture for links to the next and/or previous photo in the category.
Gallery: Puppy Sweepstakes
Gallery: Veteran Sweepstakes
Gallery: Class Dogs
Gallery: Class Bitches
Gallery: Best of Breed
JUDGE: Ms Kay A Reamensnyder | |
Novice Intermediate . | |
1 |
Austin Johnston.94352941004. 03/07/1998. . MERRYTHOUGHT SAVED THE BEST FOR LAST. DN208601/02. 02/28/2008. Dog. Cardigan Welsh Corgis. Breeder: Ann & Robert Benjamin. By CH Coedwig’s Carbon Blue-CH Aurigan Miss Sadie Comes Home. Owner: Ann Benjamin & Rachel Johnston, |
Open Intermediate . | |
1/BJH |
Nicki J. Short.11840473004. 06/23/1998. . TOSHAY’S MIDNIGHT IN PARIS. DN285790/05. 06/26/2010. Bitch. Cardigan Welsh Corgis. Breeder: Denise Waiting. By Ch Coedwig’s Malachite PT-Ch Toshay’s Firefly. Owner: Nicole J. Short Denise Waiting, |
Open Senior . | |
A |
Maegan Jordan.98682301003. 10/04/1993. . TOSHAY’S PERFECT MARTINI. DN285790/04. 06/26/2010. Bitch. Cardigan Welsh Corgis. Breeder: Denise Waiting. By Ch Coedwig’s Malachite RN HSAS-Ch Toshay’s Firefly. Owner: Marci Jeffreys & Denise Waiting & Edward Day, |
Richland Kennel Club Inc. (1)
JUDGE: Ms Emily K Fish | |
Puppy Dogs 9 Mos & Under 12 Mos . | |
1 |
STORM RIDGE WHISTLE WHILE YOU WORK. DN289308/02. 10/07/2010. BREEDER: Amanda Katasse Jo Campbell Keith Campbell. By Wolfrun Brave new world-Ch C-myste Baledwr Let Freedom Ring. OWNER: Brittany Juarez. |
Twelve To Eighteen Month Dogs . | |
1 |
GLASSHOUSE TYLWYTH’S MATINEE IDOL. DN287083/08. 08/28/2010. BREEDER: Lori Frost & Kim Shira. By Ch Coedwig’s Carbon Blue-Yardican Ifly.OWNER: Alta Hertz & Lori Frost & Jason Hertz. |
CARDIGAN WELSH CORGIS, Bred-By-Exhibitor Dogs . | |
2 |
AFARA PAPER ROCK SCISSORS. DN261420/01. 10/03/2009. BREEDER: owner. By Ch Afara Now or Never-Ch Afara Jolene. OWNER: P Chen. |
1/R |
ALLEGRO SOUTHERN CHARM. DN249947/05. 06/16/2009. BREEDER: Jeri Lamy. By Ch C-Myste Baledwr Free To Disagree-Ch Snowrose Poetic Charm.OWNER: Jeri Lamy. |
Open Dogs . | |
4 |
COEDWIG’S SILVERSCREEN. DN287083/01. 08/28/2010. BREEDER: Kim Shira & Lori Frost. By Ch Coedwig’s Carbon Blue-Yardican Ifly. OWNER: Leo Eickhoff & Kim Shira & Louise Sargent. |
2 |
NOTZMO GIANT DANCER AT STONELIGHT. DN236625/06. 12/31/2008. BREEDER: Mark Clarke & Sharon Nottingham. By Ch Somerset-Notts Turbo Trucker-Sisterwoods La Dolce Vita. OWNER: Wiccan York-Patten & Sharon Nottingham. |
YASASHIIKUMA RCR SIERRA NEVADA. DN219134/02. 06/04/2007. BREEDER: Shelley Camm. By Ch Merrymoon Firestorm-Ch Yasashiikuma Scirocco.OWNER: Jennifer Roundtree. | |
1/W |
EBONWALD’S BE HOME BY MIDNIGHT. DN282375/05. 03/04/2010. BREEDER: Garrett M. Ramsay. By Ch C-Myste Baledwr Free to Disagree-Ch Merrymoon Ebonwald I’m a Q.T.. OWNER: Garrett M. Ramsay. |
3 |
SHADOWALK VINNY BARKARINO. DN272592/08. 02/08/2010. BREEDER: Susan Carl Lassila&D A Lassila. By Shadowalk Pirate Gold-Shadowalk Exclusive.OWNER: Barbara Weldon/Donald Grondin/DA Lassila. |
Puppy Bitches 6 Mos & Under 9 Mos . | |
3 |
SAMHAIN SILVER LINING AT STONELIGHT. DN303487/04. 03/30/2011. BREEDER: Kim Keifer/Mark Thorson/Kim Shira/Jason&Alta Hertz. By Coedwig Samhain Ghost RAE-Samhain Trinity RVR Katie Lorene. OWNER: Wiccan York-Patten & Kim Kiefer. |
1 |
CHEYSULI’S NEW BEGINNING AT HYLANE. DN296963/04. 01/14/2011. BREEDER: Jennifer Roberson. By Ch Telltail Baewyn Jim Dandy-Ch Cheysuli’s Peekaboo Blue. OWNER: Rebecca Lane. |
2 |
CADNOCLUN’S GLAMOUR GIRL. DN310771/01. 01/05/2011. BREEDER: E. Hillebrand M. Gardner. and M. Mcshane. By Cadnoclun’s Fortuitous-Ch. Cadnoclun’s Singular Salutation. OWNER: Denise Waiting and Elizabeth Hillebrand. |
Puppy Bitches 9 Mos & Under 12 Mos . | |
2 |
GLASSHOUSE GOOD INTENTIONS. DN297001/02. 12/26/2010. BREEDER: Lori Frost. By Ch Coedwig’s Malachite RN RSAs-Ch Cardiridge GH Blond Moments HT. OWNER: Rebecca Lane. |
1/W/BW |
BEAGUILE GOOD TO THE LAST DROP. DN296641/02. 10/29/2010. BREEDER: Ms Ferris Beashau & Emily Banaszak. By Ch Shadowalk Trademark-Ch Beaszak’s Running with Scissors. OWNER: Terry DeVine. |
Twelve To Eighteen Month Bitches . | |
3 |
TAILBRITE TRIQUETRA. DN289259/01. 09/12/2010. BREEDER: Terry Devine. By Bdragons Royal Diamond Flush-Ch Tailbrite Tetilla Sunrise. OWNER: Jody Buktenica and Terry Devine. |
1 |
COEDWIG’S DANCE WITH ME AT TORLAN RN. DN287083/03. 08/28/2010. BREEDER: Lori Frost & Kim Shira. By Ch Coedwig’s Carbon Blue-Yardican IFly. OWNER: Samantha Nye. |
2 |
TOSHAY’S PERFECT MARTINI. DN285790/04. 06/26/2010. BREEDER: Denise Waiting. By Ch Coedwig’s Malachite RN HSAS-Ch Toshay’s Firefly. OWNER: Marci Jeffreys & Denise Waiting & Edward Day. |
Bred-By-Exhibitor Bitches . | |
4 |
C-MYSTE BALEDWR SN SURFER GIRL. DN280781/01. 05/31/2010. BREEDER: Carolyn Cannon Amanda Katasse Megan Hanselman. By Ch Baledwr Cadwaladr-Ch C-Myste Baledwr Kumalie. OWNER: Carolyn Cannon Amanda Katasse Megan Hanselman. |
1/R |
AURIGN MANTLE STRIKES AGAIN. DN274857/01. 02/23/2010. BREEDER: Dayl Phillip Pam Bennett. By Ch Twinan Ultimate Strike-Ch Aurigan Mantle Out of Thin Air. OWNER: Dayl Phillip Pam Bennett. |
A |
EBONWALD’S BE ON THE LOOKOUT. DN282375/03. 03/04/2010. BREEDER: Garrett M. Ramsay. By Ch C-Myste Baledwr Free to Disagree-Ch Merrymoon Ebonwald I’m A Q.T.. OWNER: Garrett M Ramsay. |
3 |
WELLSHIRE QUEEN OF HEARTS. DN280233/01. 04/12/2010. BREEDER: Paula and Eric Weller. By Ch C-Myste Baledwr Pursuit Of Happiness CD HT-Wellshire Lady Luck. OWNER: Paula B. Weller and Eric Weller. |
2 |
TAILBRITE TRISKELE. DN289259/02. 09/12/2010. BREEDER: Terry DeVine. By Bdragons Royal diamond Flush-Ch Tailbrite Tetilla Sunrise. OWNER: Terry DeVine. |
American-Bred Bitches . | |
1 |
BDRAGONS BLACKHILLS NEYTIRI. DN287867/07. 08/18/2010. BREEDER: Micheal J and Christine Sweeney. By Bdragons Royal Diamond Flush-Blackhills Dreamcatcher. OWNER: Ladye Hawke. |
Open Bitches . | |
1 |
COEDWIG’S SENSATION. DN267798/02. 01/16/2010. BREEDER: Kim Shira & Leo Eickhoff. By Ch Coedwig’s Carbon Blue-Ch Coedwig’s Moonlit Lilac.OWNER: Kim Kiefer & Mark Thorson. |
4 |
COEDWIG’S SPECIAL EFFECTS. DN287083/04. 08/28/2010. BREEDER: Kim Shira & Lori Frost. By CH Coedwig’s Carbon Blue-Yardican Ifly. OWNER: Sandra Poulson & Kim Shira. |
2 |
COEDWIG’S TYLWYTH GRACEFUL ENCHANTMENT. DN272877/02. 03/15/2010. BREEDER: Kim Shira & LeÍ-Cadie Washburn. By Ch Coedwig’s Malachite PT-Ch Coedwig’s Sail on Silvergirl. OWNER: Alta Hertz Jason Hertz Kim Shira. |
3 |
WELLSHIRE LADY LUCK. DN170787/04. 02/04/2007. BREEDER: Owners. By Ch Bookter’s Lucky Call-Ch Sisterwood Suede’s Sunburst. OWNER: Paula & Eric Weller. |
Best of Breed Competition . | |
CH PECAN VALLEY REMINGTON ARCTIC STEEL. DN234701/08. 11/01/2008. Dog. BREEDER: Betty Ann Seeley. By Ch Rememberance Ann D Rooney-Pecan Valley East of Eden. OWNER: Curtis W. Lynn II and Paige Banzhaf. |
GCH C-MYSTE BALEDWR WHOMPING WILLOW. DN233304/03. 10/21/2008. Dog. BREEDER: Carolyn Cannon/Megan Hanselman/Amanda Katasse. By Ch Baledwr Cadwaladr-Ch C-Myste Baledwr Kumalie. OWNER: Trenton Sponsler/Denise Sponsler. |
CH SHADOWALK WIZARD ESQUIRE. DN272593/01. 02/11/2010. Dog. BREEDER: Susan Carl Lassila & D A Lassila. By Ch Shadowalk Higgins-Ch Shadowalk In The Nikk Of Time. OWNER: Rita and Dwight Van Horn. | |
CH SNOWROSE POETIC CHARM. DN156904/01. 07/25/2006. Bitch. BREEDER: Dixie Rae & Nancy K Stockslager & Shirley Hobbs. By Ch Shadowalk Phi-V Alexander-Ch Grangefield Aberdovey Lymric. OWNER: Jerilyn Lamy. | |
GCH CH SHADOWALK HIGGINS. DN160203/02. 09/23/2006. Dog. BREEDER: Susan & Don Lassila & Glen & Kay Garity. By Shadowalk Xpresso-Ch Shadowalk Yahtzee. OWNER: Rita & Dwight Van Horn. | |
A |
CH AFARA NOW OR NEVER. DN229918/03. 06/10/2008. Dog. BREEDER: P Chen. By Ch Wolfrun Afara Far and Away-Ch Afara Incandescent. OWNER: A & T Forth and P Chen. |
CH PECAN VALLEY GLACIER BLUE ICEFALL PT. DN26793801. 11/13/2009. Dog. BREEDER: Betty Ann Seely & Collin Seely. By Ch Pecan Valley Midas Touch-Ch Pecan Valley Cloud Cover. OWNER: Janette Bower. |
CH C-MYSTE BALEDWR FREE TO DISAGREE. DN199298/09. 10/17/2007. Dog. BREEDER: Carolyn Cannon & Amanda Katasse & Jennifer Kramer. By Ch Merrymoon Firestorm-Ch Mariel Reese’s Alice Springs. OWNER: Amanda Katasse & Carolyn Cannon. |
CH WOLFRUN COEDWIG’S ANGELOU. DN084683/05. 09/09/2004. Bitch. BREEDER: Louise & Juniper Sargent. By Ch Coedwig’s Carbon Blue-Ch Aurigan Wolfrun Brandywine. OWNER: Leo Eickhoff & Kim Shira. |
COEDWIG’S BLUE SAPPHIRE. DN293116/01. 11/04/2010. Bitch. BREEDER: Kim Shira & LA’o Washburn. By CH Coedwig’s Carbon Blue-Coedwig’s Ling Ling. OWNER: Kim Shira & Leo Eickhoff. | |
CH COEDWIG’S ALCHEMIST. DN267798/01. 01/16/2010. Dog. BREEDER: Kim Shira Leo Eickhoff. By Ch Coedwig’s Carbon Blue-Ch Coedwig’s Moonlit Lilac. OWNER: Nancy Andrist & Kim Shira. | |
CH COEDWIG’S CRACKER JACK. DN231575/01. 10/27/2008. Dog. BREEDER: Leda Thompson & Kim Shira. By Ch Wolfrun Afara Far And Away-Ch Coedwig’s Moonlit Lilac. OWNER: Mark Thorson & Kim Kiefer. | |
BB |
GCH CH MARIEL’S HARVEST MOON. DN171545/01. 01/17/2007. Dog. BREEDER: Marian R Mizelle & Helen B Jones. By Ch Warwick-Larchmont Bodacious-Ch Myrddin Scotch Mist. OWNER: Marian R Mizelle & Jeannette Bruce. |
CH AURIGAN MP PRIMARY ATTRACTION. DN217957/01. 04/09/2008. Bitch. BREEDER: Dayl Phillip & Barbara Hoffman & J J Kimes. By Ch Aurigan Thunder Rolls CD RN-Merrymoon Pluperfect Pacifica. OWNER: Barbara Walden & Bill Walden. |
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CH COEDWIG’S OUT OF THE BLUE. DN279526/02. 05/06/2010. Dog. BREEDER: Kim Shira & Leo Eickhoff. By Ch Coedwig’s Carbon Blue-Ch Coedwig’s Eyes Like Rain. OWNER: Lori Nichol. |
CH AURIGAN DUNES CELESTINE BLUE. DN247399/01. 04/21/2009. Bitch. BREEDER: Dayl Phillip & Yolanda Loveland. By Ch Shadowalk Deacon-Ch Pecan Valley Mustang Sally. OWNER: Yolanda Loveland. |
CH AURIGAN DUNES NATIONAL TREASURE. DN202117/08. 12/04/2007. Dog. BREEDER: Dayl Phillip & Pam Bennett. By Ch Phi-Vestavia Koltrain-Ch Aurigan Mantle Out Of Thin Air. OWNER: Yolanda Loveland. |
DUNES NOT ALL TREASURE IS SILVER AND GOLD. DN276178/01. 04/12/2010. Dog. BREEDER: Yolanda Loveland. By CH Aurigan Dunes National Treasure-Kennebec Dunes Limited Edition. OWNER: Yolanda and Jesse Loveland. AGENT: Angelia Hall. |
A |
CH EBONWALD’S A BLESSED PIRATE QUEEN. DN274752/04. 11/29/2010. Bitch. BREEDER: Garrett Ramsay. By Ch Wolfrun Brave New World-Ch Bendi Ebonwald Smthing 2 Prove. OWNER: Garrett Ramsay. |
CH WELLSHIRE ABSOLUT MAGIC. DN280233/03. 04/12/2010. Bitch. BREEDER: Paula & Eric Weller. By Ch C-Myste Baledwr Pursuit of Happiness HIAdsc-Wellshire Lady Luck. OWNER: Carolyn A Tompkins and Paula Weller. AGENT: Angelia Hall. | |
CH TAILBRITE BELTANE DARK BEFORE DAWN. DN247879/01. 05/01/2009. Dog. BREEDER: Terry DeVine. By Ch Phi-Vestavia Koltrain-Ch Aurigan Ms Midnite Tailbrite. OWNER: Terry DeVine. |
CH PHI-VESTAVIA HELL ON WHEELS. DN151674/02. 07/19/2006. Bitch. BREEDER: Patrick Ormos & Cathryn Ochs-Cline. By Ch Phi-Vestavia Neon Black HT-Ch Phi-Vestavia Storm Struck. OWNER: S & D A Lassila Patrick Ormos & Cathryn Ochs-Cline. |
OS |
CH SHADOWALK IN THE NIKK OF TIME. DN160207/01. 10/22/2006. Bitch. BREEDER: Susan & D A Lassila. By CH Shadowalk Trademark-Shadowalk Elizabet. OWNER: Susan & D A Lassila. |
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Gallery: Class Dogs
Gallery: Class Bitches
Gallery: Best of Breed
Richland Kennel Club Inc. (2)
JUDGE: Mr Norman B Kenney | |
Puppy Dogs 9 Mos & Under 12 Mos . | |
A |
STORM RIDGE WHISTLE WHILE YOU WORK. DN289308/02. 10/07/2010. BREEDER: Amanda Katasse Jo Campbell Keith Campbell. By Wolfrun Brave new world-Ch C-myste Baledwr Let Freedom Ring. OWNER: Brittany Juarez. |
Twelve To Eighteen Month Dogs . | |
1 |
GLASSHOUSE TYLWYTH’S MATINEE IDOL. DN287083/08. 08/28/2010. BREEDER: Lori Frost & Kim Shira. By Ch Coedwig’s Carbon Blue-Yardican Ifly.OWNER: Alta Hertz & Lori Frost & Jason Hertz. |
2 |
WELLSHIRE MR MAJESTIC. DN280233/02. 04/12/2010. BREEDER: Owners. By Ch C-Myste Baledwr Pursuit Of Happiness CD-Wellshire Lady Luck.OWNER: Paula & Eric Weller. |
Bred-By-Exhibitor Dogs . | |
2 |
AFARA PAPER ROCK SCISSORS. DN261420/01. 10/03/2009. BREEDER: owner. By Ch Afara Now or Never-Ch Afara Jolene. OWNER: P Chen. |
1/W/BW |
ALLEGRO SOUTHERN CHARM. DN249947/05. 06/16/2009. BREEDER: Jeri Lamy. By Ch C-Myste Baledwr Free To Disagree-Ch Snowrose Poetic Charm.OWNER: Jeri Lamy. |
Open Dogs . | |
2 |
COEDWIG’S SILVERSCREEN. DN287083/01. 08/28/2010. BREEDER: Kim Shira & Lori Frost. By Ch Coedwig’s Carbon Blue-Yardican Ifly. OWNER: Leo Eickhoff & Kim Shira & Louise Sargent. |
3 |
NOTZMO GIANT DANCER AT STONELIGHT. DN236625/06. 12/31/2008. BREEDER: Mark Clarke & Sharon Nottingham. By Ch Somerset-Notts Turbo Trucker-Sisterwoods La Dolce Vita. OWNER: Wiccan York-Patten & Sharon Nottingham. |
4 |
YASASHIIKUMA RCR SIERRA NEVADA. DN219134/02. 06/04/2007. BREEDER: Shelley Camm. By Ch Merrymoon Firestorm-Ch Yasashiikuma Scirocco.OWNER: Jennifer Roundtree. |
1/R |
EBONWALD’S BE HOME BY MIDNIGHT. DN282375/05. 03/04/2010. BREEDER: Garrett M. Ramsay. By Ch C-Myste Baledwr Free to Disagree-Ch Merrymoon Ebonwald I’m a Q.T.. OWNER: Garrett M. Ramsay. |
SHADOWALK VINNY BARKARINO. DN272592/08. 02/08/2010. BREEDER: Susan Carl Lassila&D A Lassila. By Shadowalk Pirate Gold-Shadowalk Exclusive.OWNER: Barbara Weldon/Donald Grondin/DA Lassila. | |
Puppy Bitches 6 Mos & Under 9 Mos . | |
1 |
SAMHAIN SILVER LINING AT STONELIGHT. DN303487/04. 03/30/2011. BREEDER: Kim Keifer/Mark Thorson/Kim Shira/Jason&Alta Hertz. By Coedwig Samhain Ghost RAE-Samhain Trinity RVR Katie Lorene. OWNER: Wiccan York-Patten & Kim Kiefer. |
2 |
CHEYSULI’S NEW BEGINNING AT HYLANE. DN296963/04. 01/14/2011. BREEDER: Jennifer Roberson. By Ch Telltail Baewyn Jim Dandy-Ch Cheysuli’s Peekaboo Blue. OWNER: Rebecca Lane. |
3 |
CADNOCLUN’S GLAMOUR GIRL. DN310771/01. 01/05/2011. BREEDER: E. Hillebrand M. Gardner. and M. Mcshane. By Cadnoclun’s Fortuitous-Ch. Cadnoclun’s Singular Salutation. OWNER: Denise Waiting and Elizabeth Hillebrand. |
Puppy Bitches 9 Mos & Under 12 Mos . | |
3 |
GLASSHOUSE GOOD INTENTIONS. DN297001/02. 12/26/2010. BREEDER: Lori Frost. By Ch Coedwig’s Malachite RN RSAs-Ch Cardiridge GH Blond Moments HT. OWNER: Rebecca Lane. |
2 |
ELYAN THE EVENING ECHO OF C-MYSTE. DN295896/06. 10/20/2010. BREEDER: Penni Adrian Carolyn Cannon & J & M Roundtree. By CH C-Myste Baledwr Pursuit of Happiness HSAdsc-C-Myste Baledwr Scents-Ability. OWNER: DeAnn Nelson Penni Adrian Carolyn Cannon. |
1 |
BEAGUILE GOOD TO THE LAST DROP. DN296641/02. 10/29/2010. BREEDER: Ms Ferris Beashau & Emily Banaszak. By Ch Shadowalk Trademark-Ch Beaszak’s Running with Scissors. OWNER: Terry DeVine. |
Twelve To Eighteen Month Bitches . | |
3 |
TAILBRITE TRIQUETRA. DN289259/01. 09/12/2010. BREEDER: Terry Devine. By Bdragons Royal Diamond Flush-Ch Tailbrite Tetilla Sunrise. OWNER: Jody Buktenica and Terry Devine. |
1 |
COEDWIG’S DANCE WITH ME AT TORLAN RN. DN287083/03. 08/28/2010. BREEDER: Lori Frost & Kim Shira. By Ch Coedwig’s Carbon Blue-Yardican IFly. OWNER: Samantha Nye. |
2 |
TOSHAY’S PERFECT MARTINI. DN285790/04. 06/26/2010. BREEDER: Denise Waiting. By Ch Coedwig’s Malachite RN HSAS-Ch Toshay’s Firefly. OWNER: Marci Jeffreys & Denise Waiting & Edward Day. |
CARDIGAN WELSH CORGIS, Bred-By-Exhibitor Bitches . | |
2 |
C-MYSTE BALEDWR SN SURFER GIRL. DN280781/01. 05/31/2010. BREEDER: Carolyn Cannon Amanda Katasse Megan Hanselman. By Ch Baledwr Cadwaladr-Ch C-Myste Baledwr Kumalie. OWNER: Carolyn Cannon Amanda Katasse Megan Hanselman. |
1/R |
AURIGN MANTLE STRIKES AGAIN. DN274857/01. 02/23/2010. BREEDER: Dayl Phillip Pam Bennett. By Ch Twinan Ultimate Strike-Ch Aurigan Mantle Out of Thin Air. OWNER: Dayl Phillip Pam Bennett. |
A |
EBONWALD’S BE ON THE LOOKOUT. DN282375/03. 03/04/2010. BREEDER: Garrett M. Ramsay. By Ch C-Myste Baledwr Free to Disagree-Ch Merrymoon Ebonwald I’m A Q.T.. OWNER: Garrett M Ramsay. |
4 |
WELLSHIRE QUEEN OF HEARTS. DN280233/01. 04/12/2010. BREEDER: Paula and Eric Weller. By Ch C-Myste Baledwr Pursuit Of Happiness CD HT-Wellshire Lady Luck. OWNER: Paula B. Weller and Eric Weller. |
3 |
TAILBRITE TRISKELE. DN289259/02. 09/12/2010. BREEDER: Terry DeVine. By Bdragons Royal diamond Flush-Ch Tailbrite Tetilla Sunrise. OWNER: Terry DeVine. |
American-Bred Bitches . | |
1 |
BDRAGONS BLACKHILLS NEYTIRI. DN287867/07. 08/18/2010. BREEDER: Micheal J and Christine Sweeney. By Bdragons Royal Diamond Flush-Blackhills Dreamcatcher. OWNER: Ladye Hawke. |
Open Bitches . | |
1/W |
COEDWIG’S SENSATION. DN267798/02. 01/16/2010. BREEDER: Kim Shira & Leo Eickhoff. By Ch Coedwig’s Carbon Blue-Ch Coedwig’s Moonlit Lilac.OWNER: Kim Kiefer & Mark Thorson. |
2 |
COEDWIG’S SPECIAL EFFECTS. DN287083/04. 08/28/2010. BREEDER: Kim Shira & Lori Frost. By CH Coedwig’s Carbon Blue-Yardican Ifly. OWNER: Sandra Poulson & Kim Shira. |
3 |
WELLSHIRE LADY LUCK. DN170787/04. 02/04/2007. BREEDER: Owners. By Ch Bookter’s Lucky Call-Ch Sisterwood Suede’s Sunburst. OWNER: Paula & Eric Weller. |
Best of Breed Competition . | |
CH PECAN VALLEY REMINGTON ARCTIC STEEL. DN234701/08. 11/01/2008. Dog. BREEDER: Betty Ann Seeley. By Ch Rememberance Ann D Rooney-Pecan Valley East of Eden. OWNER: Curtis W. Lynn II and Paige Banzhaf. |
CH SHADOWALK WIZARD ESQUIRE. DN272593/01. 02/11/2010. Dog. BREEDER: Susan Carl Lassila & D A Lassila. By Ch Shadowalk Higgins-Ch Shadowalk In The Nikk Of Time. OWNER: Rita and Dwight Van Horn. | |
CH SNOWROSE POETIC CHARM. DN156904/01. 07/25/2006. Bitch. BREEDER: Dixie Rae & Nancy K Stockslager & Shirley Hobbs. By Ch Shadowalk Phi-V Alexander-Ch Grangefield Aberdovey Lymric. OWNER: Jerilyn Lamy. | |
BB |
GCH CH SHADOWALK HIGGINS. DN160203/02. 09/23/2006. Dog. BREEDER: Susan & Don Lassila & Glen & Kay Garity. By Shadowalk Xpresso-Ch Shadowalk Yahtzee. OWNER: Rita & Dwight Van Horn. |
A |
CH AFARA NOW OR NEVER. DN229918/03. 06/10/2008. Dog. BREEDER: P Chen. By Ch Wolfrun Afara Far and Away-Ch Afara Incandescent. OWNER: A & T Forth and P Chen. |
CH PECAN VALLEY GLACIER BLUE ICEFALL PT. 26793801. 11/13/2009. Dog. BREEDER: Betty Ann Seely & Collin Seely. By Ch Pecan Valley Midas Touch-Ch Pecan Valley Cloud Cover. OWNER: Janette Bower. |
CH C-MYSTE BALEDWR FREE TO DISAGREE. DN199298/09. 10/17/2007. Dog. BREEDER: Carolyn Cannon & Amanda Katasse & Jennifer Kramer. By Ch Merrymoon Firestorm-Ch Mariel Reese’s Alice Springs. OWNER: Amanda Katasse & Carolyn Cannon. |
CH WOLFRUN COEDWIG’S ANGELOU. DN084683/05. 09/09/2004. Bitch. BREEDER: Louise & Juniper Sargent. By Ch Coedwig’s Carbon Blue-Ch Aurigan Wolfrun Brandywine. OWNER: Leo Eickhoff & Kim Shira. |
COEDWIG’S BLUE SAPPHIRE. DN293116/01. 11/04/2010. Bitch. BREEDER: Kim Shira & LA’o Washburn. By CH Coedwig’s Carbon Blue-Coedwig’s Ling Ling. OWNER: Kim Shira & Leo Eickhoff. |
CH COEDWIG’S CRACKER JACK. DN231575/01. 10/27/2008. Dog. BREEDER: Leda Thompson & Kim Shira. By Ch Wolfrun Afara Far And Away-Ch Coedwig’s Moonlit Lilac. OWNER: Mark Thorson & Kim Kiefer. | |
GCH CH MARIEL’S HARVEST MOON. DN171545/01. 01/17/2007. Dog. BREEDER: Marian R Mizelle & Helen B Jones. By Ch Warwick-Larchmont Bodacious-Ch Myrddin Scotch Mist. OWNER: Marian R Mizelle & Jeannette Bruce. |
A |
CH COEDWIG’S OUT OF THE BLUE. DN279526/02. 05/06/2010. Dog. BREEDER: Kim Shira & Leo Eickhoff. By Ch Coedwig’s Carbon Blue-Ch Coedwig’s Eyes Like Rain. OWNER: Lori Nichol. |
CH AURIGAN DUNES CELESTINE BLUE. DN247399/01. 04/21/2009. Bitch. BREEDER: Dayl Phillip & Yolanda Loveland. By Ch Shadowalk Deacon-Ch Pecan Valley Mustang Sally. OWNER: Yolanda Loveland. | |
CH AURIGAN DUNES NATIONAL TREASURE. DN202117/08. 12/04/2007. Dog. BREEDER: Dayl Phillip & Pam Bennett. By Ch Phi-Vestavia Koltrain-Ch Aurigan Mantle Out Of Thin Air. OWNER: Yolanda Loveland. |
DUNES NOT ALL TREASURE IS SILVER AND GOLD. DN276178/01. 04/12/2010. Dog. BREEDER: Yolanda Loveland. By CH Aurigan Dunes National Treasure-Kennebec Dunes Limited Edition. OWNER: Yolanda and Jesse Loveland. AGENT: Angelia Hall. | |
A |
CH COEDWIG’S UNWAVERING PROTECTOR PT. DN209792/05. 03/25/2008. Dog. BREEDER: Kim Shira & Leo Eickhoff. By Ch Visions I have a Dream PT-Ch Frm Moneypenny. OWNER: Jason & Alta Hertz. |
A |
CH EBONWALD’S A BLESSED PIRATE QUEEN. DN274752/04. 11/29/2010. Bitch. BREEDER: Garrett Ramsay. By Ch Wolfrun Brave New World-Ch Bendi Ebonwald Smthing 2 Prove. OWNER: Garrett Ramsay. |
OS |
CH WELLSHIRE ABSOLUT MAGIC. DN280233/03. 04/12/2010. Bitch. BREEDER: Paula & Eric Weller. By Ch C-Myste Baledwr Pursuit of Happiness HIAdsc-Wellshire Lady Luck. OWNER: Carolyn A Tompkins and Paula Weller. AGENT: Angelia Hall. |
CH TAILBRITE BELTANE DARK BEFORE DAWN. DN247879/01. 05/01/2009. Dog. BREEDER: Terry DeVine. By Ch Phi-Vestavia Koltrain-Ch Aurigan Ms Midnite Tailbrite. OWNER: Terry DeVine. |
CH PHI-VESTAVIA HELL ON WHEELS. DN151674/02. 07/19/2006. Bitch. BREEDER: Patrick Ormos & Cathryn Ochs-Cline. By Ch Phi-Vestavia Neon Black HT-Ch Phi-Vestavia Storm Struck. OWNER: S & D A Lassila Patrick Ormos & Cathryn Ochs-Cline. |
CH SHADOWALK IN THE NIKK OF TIME. DN160207/01. 10/22/2006. Bitch. BREEDER: Susan & D A Lassila. By CH Shadowalk Trademark-Shadowalk Elizabet. OWNER: Susan & D A Lassila. |
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Slideshow: scroll down to bottom of the picture for links to the next and/or previous photo in the category.